G2Cdb::Gene report

Gene id
Gene symbol
Homo sapiens
mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7
G00000182 (Mus musculus)

Databases (9)

Curated Gene
OTTHUMG00000071402 (Vega human gene)
ENSG00000076984 (Ensembl human gene)
5609 (Entrez Gene)
54 (G2Cdb plasticity & disease)
MAP2K7 (GeneCards)
603014 (OMIM)
Marker Symbol
HGNC:6847 (HGNC)
Protein Expression
1633 (human protein atlas)
Protein Sequence
O14733 (UniProt)

Synonyms (2)

  • Jnkk2
  • MKK7

Literature (52)

Pubmed - other

Gene lists (3)

Filter: 3 entries 1TXTCSVXLS
Gene List Source Species Name Description Gene count
L00000015 G2C Homo sapiens Human NRC Human orthologues of mouse NRC adapted from Collins et al (2006) 186
L00000016 G2C Homo sapiens Human PSP Human orthologues of mouse PSP adapted from Collins et al (2006) 1121
L00000036 G2C Homo sapiens Pocklington H5 Human orthologues of cluster 5 (mouse) from Pocklington et al (2006) 5
© G2C 2014. The Genes to Cognition Programme received funding from The Wellcome Trust and the EU FP7 Framework Programmes:
EUROSPIN (FP7-HEALTH-241498), SynSys (FP7-HEALTH-242167) and GENCODYS (FP7-HEALTH-241995).

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