
NR2A-2BCTR knock-in mouse

S.G.N. Grant and the G2C Consortium

Corresponding email: Seth.Grant@ed.ac.uk  


G2CMine Data Warehouse

Grin2a @ G2CMine

Genetic and Genomic Information

Gene symbol Grin2a
MGI ID MGI:95820
G2Cdb mouse G00000001
Ensembl mouse ENSMUSG00000059003
G2Cdb human G00000026
Ensembl human ENSG00000183454

G2CMine Data Warehouse

G2CMine integrates the scientific findings of the Genes to Cognition Programme that utilised neuroproteomics, psychiatric genetics, high-throughput mouse gene targeting combined with behavioural and electrophysiological phenotyping and informatics in order to develop a general strategy for understanding cognition at the molecular, cellular and systems neuroscience levels.

G2CMine provides comprehensive Gene Ontology, Mammalian Phenotype Ontology, Human Phenotype Ontology, UniProt, genetic and protein interactions, and regional mouse brain expression results, together with the phenotyping results of the G2C Programme.


Generation of Grin2a mutant mice described in Ryan et al (2013)


Grin2a genotyping described in Ryan et al (2013)


Grin2a expression described in Ryan et al (2013)


Birth of mutant mice followed approximately Mendelian ratios with 21% of offspring being homozygous knockouts. Genotypes of 3-week-old pups from heterozygous intercrosses identified 89 wt, 154 heterozygous, and 63 homozygous progeny (Χ2 p=0.11). Male and female homozygous mice developed normally to adulthood, exhibited normal body size and no gross abnormalities. Backcrosses onto the C57BL/6J background were used to maintain the colony and to generate homozygous and wildtype mice to study.


Mutant slices showed little overall electrophysiological difference from wildtype slices, with only one variable, burst 8-10 ave amplitude vs burst 2-4, significantly increased in these mutants. Note that in the theta burst analysis, the tenth burst is analysed as representative of individual burst amplitude. Definitions of variables may be found below.

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The G2CMine data warehouse provides slice group summaries and individual mouse observations from the NR2A-2BCTR knock-in line phenotyping.


Variables shown are: Max fEPSP amplitude, Maximum field excitatory postsynaptic potential (fEPSP) amplitude. PPF at 50ms, ampl ratio, Paired pulse facilitation (PPF), pulses separated by 50ms, amplitude ratio. Burst 1, PPF at 10ms, ampl ratio, Paired pulse facilitation (PPF), pulses separated by 10ms, amplitude ratio, observed during first two pulses of the first 100Hz burst during theta-burst stimulation. Burst 1, EPSP3 depr, ampl ratio, Depression observed in third fEPSP relative to the second fEPSP of the first 100Hz burst, amplitude ratio. Burst 1, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in first burst. Burst 2, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in second burst. Burst 3, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in third burst. Burst 4, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in fourth burst. Burst 5, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in fifth burst. Burst 6, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in sixth burst. Burst 7, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in seventh burst. Burst 8, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in eighth burst. Burst 9, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in ninth burst. Burst 10, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in tenth burst. Burst 2-4 ave amplitude vs Burst 1, Facilitation observed in average amplitude of bursts 2-4, relative to average amplitude of burst 1. Burst 8-10 ave amplitude vs Burst 2-4, Depression observed in average amplitude of bursts 8-10, relative to average amplitude of bursts 2-4. LTP vs PTP, amplitude ratio, Reduction in potentiation from immediately after theta-burst stimulation to one hour later, fEPSP amplitude ratio. LTP based on amplitude, Long term potentiation, ratio of amplitudes of fEPSPs in test pathway and control pathway.


Variable Units Wildtype slices (animals) Wildtype mean (SEM) Mutant slices (animals) Mutant mean (SEM) P(animals) P(mutation)
Max fEPSP amplitude µV 31 (9) 3146 (91) 24 (7) 3183 (135) 0.53 0.81
PPF at 50ms, ampl ratio % 31 (9) 181.4 (3.6) 24 (7) 181.4 (3.8) 0.22 0.99
Burst 1, PPF at 10ms, ampl ratio % 31 (9) 189 (5.7) 24 (7) 172.8 (8) 0.091 0.18
Burst 1, EPSP3 depr, ampl ratio % 31 (9) 62.5 (1.9) 24 (7) 64.8 (2.3) 0.52 0.44
Burst 1, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 1319 (32) 24 (7) 1398 (53) 0.41 0.22
Burst 2, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2191 (63) 24 (7) 2322 (97) 0.36 0.28
Burst 3, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2424 (68) 24 (7) 2553 (101) 0.45 0.3
Burst 4, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2478 (68) 24 (7) 2605 (93) 0.42 0.29
Burst 5, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2439 (63) 24 (7) 2540 (86) 0.45 0.35
Burst 6, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2373 (62) 24 (7) 2443 (78) 0.44 0.49
Burst 7, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2297 (59) 24 (7) 2342 (74) 0.49 0.63
Burst 8, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2226 (58) 24 (7) 2255 (72) 0.4 0.77
Burst 9, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2164 (59) 24 (7) 2178 (70) 0.39 0.89
Burst 10, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2123 (57) 24 (7) 2128 (69) 0.42 0.95
Burst 2-4 ave amplitude vs Burst 1 % 31 (9) 180.1 (3.9) 24 (7) 178.6 (3.1) 0.46 0.79
Burst 8-10 ave amplitude vs Burst 2-4 % 31 (9) 92 (0.9) 24 (7) 88.4 (0.9) 0.25 0.024 *
LTP vs PTP, amplitude ratio % 31 (9) 80.8 (4) 24 (7) 77.9 (0.9) 0.19 0.59
LTP based on amplitude % 31 (9) 174.9 (3.9) 24 (7) 166 (3.8) 0.83 0.075

Basal Synaptic Transmission

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Variables shown are: Max fEPSP amplitude, Maximum field excitatory postsynaptic potential (fEPSP) amplitude.


Variable Units Wildtype slices (animals) Wildtype mean (SEM) Mutant slices (animals) Mutant mean (SEM) P(animals) P(mutation)
Max fEPSP amplitude µV 31 (9) 3146 (91) 24 (7) 3183 (135) 0.53 0.81

Paired Pulse Facilitation

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Variables shown are: PPF at 50ms, ampl ratio, Paired pulse facilitation (PPF), pulses separated by 50ms, amplitude ratio.


Variable Units Wildtype slices (animals) Wildtype mean (SEM) Mutant slices (animals) Mutant mean (SEM) P(animals) P(mutation)
PPF at 50ms, ampl ratio % 31 (9) 181.4 (3.6) 24 (7) 181.4 (3.8) 0.22 0.99

Theta Burst Stimulation

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Variables shown are: Burst 1, PPF at 10ms, ampl ratio, Paired pulse facilitation (PPF), pulses separated by 10ms, amplitude ratio, observed during first two pulses of the first 100Hz burst during theta-burst stimulation. Burst 1, EPSP3 depr, ampl ratio, Depression observed in third fEPSP relative to the second fEPSP of the first 100Hz burst, amplitude ratio. Burst 1, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in first burst. Burst 2, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in second burst. Burst 3, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in third burst. Burst 4, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in fourth burst. Burst 5, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in fifth burst. Burst 6, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in sixth burst. Burst 7, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in seventh burst. Burst 8, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in eighth burst. Burst 9, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in ninth burst. Burst 10, ave amplitude, Average amplitude of four fEPSPs in tenth burst. Burst 2-4 ave amplitude vs Burst 1, Facilitation observed in average amplitude of bursts 2-4, relative to average amplitude of burst 1. Burst 8-10 ave amplitude vs Burst 2-4, Depression observed in average amplitude of bursts 8-10, relative to average amplitude of bursts 2-4.


Variable Units Wildtype slices (animals) Wildtype mean (SEM) Mutant slices (animals) Mutant mean (SEM) P(animals) P(mutation)
Burst 1, PPF at 10ms, ampl ratio % 31 (9) 189 (5.7) 24 (7) 172.8 (8) 0.091 0.18
Burst 1, EPSP3 depr, ampl ratio % 31 (9) 62.5 (1.9) 24 (7) 64.8 (2.3) 0.52 0.44
Burst 1, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 1319 (32) 24 (7) 1398 (53) 0.41 0.22
Burst 2, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2191 (63) 24 (7) 2322 (97) 0.36 0.28
Burst 3, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2424 (68) 24 (7) 2553 (101) 0.45 0.3
Burst 4, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2478 (68) 24 (7) 2605 (93) 0.42 0.29
Burst 5, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2439 (63) 24 (7) 2540 (86) 0.45 0.35
Burst 6, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2373 (62) 24 (7) 2443 (78) 0.44 0.49
Burst 7, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2297 (59) 24 (7) 2342 (74) 0.49 0.63
Burst 8, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2226 (58) 24 (7) 2255 (72) 0.4 0.77
Burst 9, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2164 (59) 24 (7) 2178 (70) 0.39 0.89
Burst 10, ave amplitude µV 31 (9) 2123 (57) 24 (7) 2128 (69) 0.42 0.95
Burst 2-4 ave amplitude vs Burst 1 % 31 (9) 180.1 (3.9) 24 (7) 178.6 (3.1) 0.46 0.79
Burst 8-10 ave amplitude vs Burst 2-4 % 31 (9) 92 (0.9) 24 (7) 88.4 (0.9) 0.25 0.024 *

Long Term Potentiation

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Variables shown are: LTP vs PTP, amplitude ratio, Reduction in potentiation from immediately after theta-burst stimulation to one hour later, fEPSP amplitude ratio. LTP based on amplitude, Long term potentiation, ratio of amplitudes of fEPSPs in test pathway and control pathway.


Variable Units Wildtype slices (animals) Wildtype mean (SEM) Mutant slices (animals) Mutant mean (SEM) P(animals) P(mutation)
LTP vs PTP, amplitude ratio % 31 (9) 80.8 (4) 24 (7) 77.9 (0.9) 0.19 0.59
LTP based on amplitude % 31 (9) 174.9 (3.9) 24 (7) 166 (3.8) 0.83 0.075
© G2C 2014. The Genes to Cognition Programme received funding from The Wellcome Trust and the EU FP7 Framework Programmes:
EUROSPIN (FP7-HEALTH-241498), SynSys (FP7-HEALTH-242167) and GENCODYS (FP7-HEALTH-241995).

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